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Wingspan conference held in Brussels for a Bird-friendly energy transition

From 15 to 17 October, our partners Renewables Grid Initiative (RGI), Elia Group, along with LIFE project coordinator TB Raab (LIFE Great Bustard and LIFE EUROKITE) hosted the inaugural Wingspan conference in Brussels.


With 320 in-person and online attendees from 32 countries, the event brought together a diverse range of stakeholders—grid operators, NGOs, renewable energy developers, academics, and authorities—from across the globe to address the urgent need for a nature-friendly energy transition. The conference featured insightful panel discussions, scientific presentations, a workshop, a poster session, and a fair showcasing bird protection devices used along power lines and wind energy infrastructure. The final day was dedicated to an excursion to a Belgian site where Elia, Natagora, and Natuurpunt collaborate to protect bird species near power lines.


Representatives from the European Commission’s DG Energy and DG Environment opened the conference, emphasising the need to accelerate the energy transition while ensuring nature protection and restoration. Throughout the two-day event, speakers shared innovative strategies and partnerships that are key to achieving this balance.


Key messages from the conference included:

  • The LIFE Programme is a critical funding source for collaborative projects between key stakeholders enabling effective mitigation measures and fostering innovation.

  • While EU frameworks for nature protection and the deployment of renewable energy are in place, their implementation remains uneven across Member States, requiring further harmonization.

  • Risk mapping is a valuable tool for identifying areas suitable for new projects and prioritising mitigation measures along operational infrastructure.

  • Robust data across all represented sectors is crucial for making informed, data-driven decisions for the acceleration of deployment of energy infrastructure.


On the second day, RGI also hosted a parallel workshop to discuss the "7 Principles for a Bird-Friendly Grid," endorsed by Europe’s conservation community. This workshop featured breakout sessions where representatives from power grid operators and civil society came together to explore solutions outlined in the document and discussed ways forward. A summary of the workshop's outcomes will be published in the coming months.


The conference concluded with a site visit coordinated by Elia and Natuurpunt, to Elia’s Noordschote substation, where attendees observed bird protection measures in action. The day ended with a tour of the beautiful Blankaert Nature Reserve, where participants had the opportunity to discuss future developments in bird protection technologies and witness firsthand the reserve's conservation efforts to safeguard populations.


This year's Wingspan emphasised the importance of multi-sector partnerships in ensuring a sustainable energy transition. The best practices, site visit, and connections formed during the event have laid the groundwork for a more nature-friendly approach to energy development. RGI looks forward to continuing these discussions at the next edition in 2026. For more information and access to event materials, visit RGI's website.


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Manfred-von-Richthofen-Straße 4, 12101 Berlin, Germany

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