Prioritisation of sites for wire-marking in high-voltage lines based on collision risks birds
Type of publication
Grey literature
Sierdsema et al.
Organisation type
TSO, Research centre
Publicly available
Sovon Bird Research Netherland, Tennet
Country of experiment
TenneT operates an extensive network of high-voltage pylons and power transport connections. High-voltage overhead power lines pose a danger to birds in two ways: collisions with high-voltage lines and damage to habitat quality through, for example, disturbance. In particular, collisions with high-voltage power lines pose a great risk to resident and passing birds. Birds often do not see these wires or see them too late and fly into them, which usually kills them immediately or causes injuries such that the bird dies later on.
TenneT wants to pay more attention within their management to dealing responsibly and proactively with preventing wire casualties. Some of the existing high-voltage lines already have markings to make the wires more visible. TenneT wants to investigate whether it would be useful to add more markings to the routes that have not yet been marked, with priority at this stage being given to the locations where the most gains can be made in terms of the visibility of the wires.
to reduce collision victims. For this purpose, TenneT has asked Sovon to map out where within the Netherlands high-voltage lines pose the greatest risks to birds on the basis of which priorities for action can be justified.
Target species